Fuliza loan Interest Rate Calculator

Fuliza Loan Interest Rate Calculator

Note: The loan repayment period is 30 days. A customer will be charged a one-off 1% access fee and a daily maintenance fee is applied the next day at midnight. A customer will also be charged 20% excise duty on the access fee.

Review Fuliza loan Rates

Fuliza Charges

 BandTariff20% Excise DutyTotal Charges
0 -100KSh 0KSh 0KSh 0
101-500KSh 2.5KSh 0.5KSh 3
501-1000KSh 5KSh 1KSh 6
1001-1500KSh 18KSh 3.6KSh 21.6
1501-2500KSh 20KSh 4KSh 24
2501-70000KSh 25KSh 5KSh 30